Yesterday was such a nice day and our cars were so filthy that we decided to make an afternoon outside cleaning them. Well I supervised while David cleaned and Jackson helped! :) Jackson had the time of his life and David experienced what I go through everyday trying to cook, empty the dishwasher, fold clothes, etc! Kids aren't always the biggest help, but you can't tell them not to help with those little minds going so fast, trying to learn and being so cute!
Stirring up the bubbles
Watching closely- want to bet he won't want to do this when he gets older!
Ohh how do I turn this on??
His Santa Clause look.....
He really gets into his work.....he was SOAKED!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Car Wash - Donations Only!
Posted by The Akins Family at 12:56 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Week 6 of Training
This week is complete now! YAY!!! It was a beautiful week to be outside for anything.....the weather has been great!
Monday - Cross Training
Tuesday - 2 miles
Wednesday - Cross Training
Thursday - 7 miles
Friday - Rest
Saturday - 8 miles
Sunday - I will rest!
Thank you Sarah for watching Jackson for me Thursday! You are a life saver!
Today's 8 miles were tough! Not b/c the mileage killed me, but b/c my energy level depleted quickly. Up until now I have not felt the need to gel while running, but I will have to from now on for these longer runs! My time today was horrible, but I did complete it and so I am hoping next Saturday is better with my goodies on board! yummo
Have a great weekend and spent sometime outside enjoying this weather! :)
Posted by The Akins Family at 2:50 PM 2 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
Snug as a bug in a rug
This morning we were going to eat breakfast with the wives in David's class and a few minutes before we were to leave I found Jackson sound asleep on the couch! I thought he had slept well through the night, but I guess he needed a little cat nap. So when we got home it was his nap time, but I thought I would let him stay up a little longer since he took that little nap. It wasn't but about 15 minutes later that he got up on the couch, threw the pillows off, made himself comfortable and was again sound asleep! I can't believe how big he is getting.....deciding he is tired and knows just were to go!
Then again tonight he was in such a good mood that we thought we would let him stay up and play with us a little bit and before we knew it he was standing at his crib with his arms up....he was ready for bed! I guess it really pays off to get them on a good schedule!
I was able to snap some pictures of Sleeping Beauty!
Posted by The Akins Family at 6:59 PM 4 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Prison Mike
The season premiere of The Office is tonight and David & I are HUGE fans! Well, these are what we call Jackson's "Prison Mike" pj's. So for those of you who don't watch The Office - you will not get this. Brad this one is for you! :) Enjoy the season premiere!
Posted by The Akins Family at 7:07 PM 4 comments
What's in the Water??
Yes what are people drinking these days? Here are the recent stats I can think of:
-I recently have known about 6 people to have babies (one being my new nephew, Luke!)
-10 people pregnant that I can think of:
Olivia my old and best neighbor in the whole world is due in Dec.
Paige my bible study friend is due in Jan.
Mylenda another bible study friend is due in Jan also .....and Paige and Mylenda are neighbors!
Liz just found out she was having a baby in May! YEAH I am so excited for them.
Jenny a MOPS friend is due in Nov.
Erin in my MOPS group is due next week!
Amanda from home I use to babysit is in the hospital having her baby right now.
Marie is having a Csection tomorrow.
Maribeth cuts my hair and is due in Nov.
Mandy I go to church with and she is also due in Nov- baby shower fun on Saturday!
- And I have several friends currently trying to get pregnant or either thinking of getting pregnant in the next few months!
So I don't know what is in the water these days, but babies are being born left and right! I think I better stay away from the water for about 3 more months! I want to complete this half marathon and then we will see if God will bless us with another bundle of joy! But it sure is hard to keep the baby fever at a low!
Posted by The Akins Family at 11:03 AM 6 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Fall is on the way!
As I sit here in the early morning listening to the birds sing outside - I can't help but be grateful! Fall is on the way, the air is crisp outside.....awww my favorite time of year! I can't wait for the leaves to begin changing colors, falling and walking through them, planting colorful pansies outside, for my urge to want to brew and drink coffee to come back, to be able to wear light weight coats in the morning, but not in the afternoon! And then it gets better from that.....the fall decorations, preparing for Thanksgiving, pumpkin pie candles burning, pumpkin pies baking in the oven, and cozying up with a blanket at night reading a book.
All of these things I have been longing for!
Posted by The Akins Family at 6:53 AM 5 comments
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Week 5 Training Update
This week has come to an end on training! YEAH! I love having Sundays off! It was much more of a productive week with running, so that felt great!
Monday- I couldn't make Stroller Strides b/c I had to set up for MOPS, but I did have to carry a bunch of heavy tables around. Does that count?? :)
Tuesday - 2 mile run
Wednesday - Cross Training
Thursday - 6 miles
Friday - Cross Training
Saturday - 7 miles
Sunday - my day off!
We had the 10K Blaze Race today, but I decided not to take part in it since I needed to run a little further. I did however get a late start due to the rain and ran a little of my route with the racers. I felt like a big goober since I was suppose to go by the Fitness Center at the Finish Line, but I wasn't in the race. So I decided to make a detour and change my route up! But all in all it was a good run. I can't really believe I have to almost double that, but I know that each week I am getting stronger! If anyone is interested in sponsoring me in the race....send me a comment and I will get back to you!
Have a great weekend!
Posted by The Akins Family at 11:20 AM 1 comments
Friday, September 19, 2008
The Jackson's come to visit Jackson!
My family came in for a visit this past mom and dad, my brother and Robin! We had a really good time seeing a little of Columbus - at least the important things like Reed's and Peppers! We also celebrated my parents 40th Wedding Anniversary by taking them to Woody's on the Water! It was yummy and fun - I recommend it! :)
Jackson had a blast with them...especially Robin! He LOVES her! And she does this little nursery rhyme with him - too funny! He has actually been coming up to me and doing - Round Ball on my hand, Robin! :) So I do it for him and he laughs and laughs! Lets see- Jackson got a couple more toys that he didn't need - a vacuum and a tractor! And he went for ice cream twice I think.....oh how grandparents spoil their grandchildren!
We are a horrible family about taking pictures, so on the last day that Robin and Dee were here we jumped outside and took some. David was only minutes from going to class, so once again all the pictures have him in his flight suit! SORRY David! :)
The whole fam!
Dee and Robin
The kids!
Memaw and Papa with Jackson
Posted by The Akins Family at 12:55 PM 2 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Take a Spin with me
Jackson's friends Avery and Evan have the Cozy Coupe Car and Jackson just LOVES it!!! They all seem to fight over it when we are over there! So I really wanted to get him this car, but it is rather expensive new for what it is. The other day someone posted one for $15 in the Silver Wings (our weekly newspaper), but I was too late! UGHH! But there was hope - Cooper's Closet was coming up soon! And what do you know....someone consigned theirs! Traci actually got there before me and snagged it for me for a whole $10! WOOHOO!!! This thing has been enjoyed by many a kid! It is beat up and the plastic tire has a slit in it, but Jackson could care less! He loves his Coupe Car! He hasn't figured out how to really move it Fred Flintstone style, but he gets in and out of it, beeps the horn, steers, and has a grand ole time! It is really fun watching him use his imagination!
Posted by The Akins Family at 10:51 AM 2 comments
Self portraits
I never know what I am going to find on the camera when I download the pictures. David is always getting shots of the two of them together! As I was downloading today I found these two and I thought they were cute self photos! These boys are like two peas in a pod!
Posted by The Akins Family at 10:51 AM 1 comments
Little Shiner
Gosh it has been a while since I here I go catching up on the last week or so! Jackson has been ALL BOY the last few weeks....getting bumps, bruises, insect bites, etc! He was in the tub the other night and was trying to reach for a toy - slipped - and hit his eye on the side of the tub. I know it had to have hurt with the sound it made and the screams that followed. It of course started to swell and the next morning we had a nice little bruise to show off to all of his friends! I will have to admit he hit the tub so hard, David and I kept checking on him in the middle of the night......
The following morning he was running through the house (he always runs with his head down, so he can't see where he is going) and he ran right into the door jam......can we say another bruise on his check! I did not take pictures though - I don't want anyone calling social services on us! :) I have a feeling this is only the beginning to little boy wounds!
You can see his shiner on the right upper eye! It a beauty huh??
Posted by The Akins Family at 10:51 AM 1 comments
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Week 4 - Pitiful!
This was a not so good week in training...luckily it was a down week and I don't think I missed too much! I ended up having a flu like virus on Saturday and Sunday where I literally didn't get off the couch all day! I was feeling better Monday, but it took a few days to get my energy back up to speed. I took a couple days off hoping that would help!
Monday/Tuesday: recuperating from being sick
Wednesday: Cross Training
Thursday: 3 mile run
Friday: picked my brother and Robin up from the airport, so another down day
Saturday: 4 mile run
Sunday: rest
I am hoping for a better week. I don't think I will be able to work out Monday, but the rest of the week is promising. If I have to miss a day- I would rather it be Cross Training and not a run!
Posted by The Akins Family at 11:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 6, 2008
3 weeks down....13 more to go
Wow! when I see it put like that in the title - I am a little intimidated! But this was a very good week of training for me, except now I feel like I am coming down with a little something. David had it a few days ago, so I guess he was just being nice and passing it on to me. I am a little achy, but I know part of it is from my run this morning and I just can't tell the difference between achy and sore right now! The only thing that is throwing me off is that I have been cold all day and it is still September in MS! But David has been helping so much with Jackson today - I got a nap and I have been laying around trying to heal myself up! Lots of OJ and meds! David even made homemade Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies.....they are making me feel better all ready!
But here was what I accomplished this week!
Monday - Labor Day (I took the day off) :)
Tuesday - 2 miles
Wednesday - Cross Training
Thursday - 5 miles
Friday - Cross Training
Saturday - 7 miles (it is amazing how that one added mile will kick your butt!)
This next week is a pretty easy training schedule, so I am looking forward to it!
I also have my St Jude page up and running if anyone wants to check it out and donate to the cause! I would love to raise $500. Remember I am doing the hard part! I will have done 160 miles of training to prepare me for my 13.1 miles! Thanks
You will probably have to copy and paste it- both lines separately....I couldn't get it as a direct link!
Posted by The Akins Family at 3:16 PM 1 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
I am thankful.....are you??
I talked to one of my bestest friends tonight that just moved, Liz. :( She is the one that got me to start a blog and she loves finding and reading inspirational blogs. So she sent me on a hunt and I found one! It is if you ever want to check it out! But this women- about my age has been through one miscarriage and is currently pregnant with the slim chance that her son will survive outside of the womb. She has been praying and praying that God will heal this little boy, named Issac and let him have an earthly life. God has worked some miracles already for this little baby, but I pray that he has more in store for him!! This woman's faith is stronger than anyone I think I have ever encountered besides maybe my fiend, Rachel Faulkner.
So I know I am rambling, but please pray for this family and for Issac. He is due to be born by C-section in mid October. If anyone can alter this circumstance it is God.....he being the GREAT maker and healer! And please read her blog, it will touch your heart and make you want to draw closer and closer to Jesus! For God is good.....all the time! She also has a blog link that she has started where she writes her baby boy a letter everyday! I think I got through 2 and I couldn't read through the tears. I will have to hit that up on a different day when I am emotionally a little stronger.
As I end these thoughts, although I think I will be thinking of them all weekend life isn't too bad at all. So what if my child is cranky and whiny from a couple molars trying to make their appearance. He is healthy.....100% healthy and I should be praising God for that right now! He is perfect and though he is having a hard few days, those to shall pass! I think when I get him out of his crib tomorrow morning I will just kiss all over him and be thankful for all the many blessing I have!
Good night all - I have to go and get a tissue! :)
Posted by The Akins Family at 9:35 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
One tired Mommy
I am posting this blog today b/c it makes ME feel better! Jackson had a rough day and in this picture he was being the sweetest little boy! It makes me realize that tomorrow is another day and it may be a great day for him and for me!
The day started off great - we had Stroller Strides and Luna Playgroup, then we came home for a nap. After the nap is when it began.....
I tried to give him lunch and he screamed, tears rolling down his face, so I let him down and he ate a banana sitting on the floor watching cartoons. We invited Evan and Avery over to play hoping they would get him out of his mood - WRONG! He fought them over EVERY toy! If they had it he wanted it and when I made him give it back he cried and cried. He is not the best sharer yet, but this was way out of the ordinary. They left after many meltdowns and he continued to cry and cry! I tried to get him to eat dinner and he was having none of that. So I held him on the couch and we watched TV. Finally bath time. He pee pees in the potty (yeah) and has a great time in the bath. After the bath he screams and screams, tears pouring out of his eyes. He thinks I am going to put him straight to bed (which I want to do) as I hand him his lovey - he throws it and runs. I get him and his lovey and we go sit in the big chair. He falls asleep in about 3 minutes. All if this to say that we are cutting some serious molars. I can feel them coming - the right side is SO SWOLLEN (it almost fells like a blister). I feel so bad for him and I realize why he is cranky, but after hours and hours, a mom gets cranky too! I have been giving him meds for it and hopefully that helps with the pain. I am just hoping that tomorrow is a better day.....hey maybe the tooth will break through tonight! Wishful thinking???
And so here is a picture of how my sweet toddler is on most days....but not today! :)
Posted by The Akins Family at 7:45 PM 7 comments