Sunday, June 27, 2010


Jackson ready for VBS Day at church with the shirt he made! I actually co-taught his class! We had 14 kids his age (whew they wore me out!) But they were all lots of fun!

The girls and boys had a contest this week at VBS to see who could raise more money (the money is going toward buying bookbags and supplies in our school district for those that can't afford it). And what was better was if the boys won - Josie got a pie in the face and if the girls won - Brad got the pie! Well the girls pulled through and here is Brad getting his pie! But the great thing is that these kids raised over $500 for bookbags!
The other great thing about VBS is the we had 27 kids accept Jesus into their hearts and become saved! This is the largest group ever from what I am told! How wonderful for these kids!

We had this train and the Inflatables out again today after church.

The Train

Matthew - not quite sure about this VBS thing! :)

Here is Jackson in his video at church NOT singing! He practiced on the way there and I think he got stage fright once on stage! We had 3 kids not go up at all so I was glad he at least stood up there! Towards the end I tried to get him to stop sucking his thumb and he started acting silly! I have another video I am trying to upload and having difficulties...will post it later!