Friday, June 26, 2009

My Baby Boy finally has something of his own!

This poor baby boy is getting all of Jackson's hand me downs, but as of today he does have a couple new things of his own! My mom and I went shopping today and here is what he got!

This is what I am getting his hospital picture in! I LOVE the feet!

And my mom got him this to come home in.......

plus the blanket!

And I couldn't pass this up at Gymboree for $2.99!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

From the mouth of Hank Williams Jr. himself....

A Country Boy Can Survive, Country Folks Can Survive!

My Uncle Clyde always plants the corn for the family and it has started to come off, so we put up a little tonight. Unfortunately, we are in desperate need of rain - the water hose just doesn't do the trick like God's water does. But we still got some (pray we get some rain b/c I think it will produce great if we get some) and we hope to put up a little more in the next few days! Mom has plenty in the freezer already, but she has told me she will bring us some out to Kansas when they visit. If David and I can get enough to have until next summer - we can put some up for ourselves!

So here is my country boy - silking his first ear of corn. Age 2 years, 3 months!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

28 Weeks and 3 Days

I had another appointment today and all went well. I am going every 2 weeks and I don't really know why since they don't do much, but they are the boss, right?? My blood pressure was good and baby's heart beat was fine along with my belly measurement. I did gain 4 pounds in 2 weeks- YIKES putting me up to 13 pounds total. I may just gain more this go round than I did with Jackson, but at least I know how to get it off in the end. I am blaming it on being at home with my mom and eating all the yummy Southern food cooked here....and all the sweets! :)

28 weeks and 3 days

Fun at Memaw's and Papa's

Jackson found Papa's peanuts- MMMM good!

Memaw shared the beaters with Jackson (his first time) and boy was this a hit! Can you see the movie CARS on in the back....we watch it ALL THE TIME!

Piano time and he plays the best in his undies! :)

For my Car

Look at my new gifts...I just love them and can't wait to put them on my car! We are hoping to get a Mini Van at the end of the year to haul our growing family and Great Dane in, so I am waiting until then to put them on there!

This is from a couple friends, Alicen and Melissa, for my bday

And Dee and Robin gave me this one! LOVE IT!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to the 3 Greatest Dads I know:

My Dad, ZD

My Father in Law, Bill

And of course my husband, David

I can't wait for you all to be a great Dad and Grandpa to this new little boy very soon!

Thanks for all you do to make our lives wonderful! You are truly the greatest and I love you all!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Fascinate U Museum

I took Jackson to the Fascinate U Museum is like the Hands on Museums. Anyway - temperatures reached nearly 100 today and that is just too hot to be outside for both him and I. He had the best time and for $3 an adult and $1 a child - you just can't beat it! We got there at 3 b/c Jackson took a long nap today and stayed until they closed at 5. I am thinking this is going to be a hot spot for us this summer! Here are some pictures of the day!

This was a 911 Call Center....he seriously could have played here all day!

This was another big hit!

Protecting the city!


This was a really neat Electrical Station

Don't go into politics son!

Don't worry- he won't vote for Obama! :)

This boy has been grocery shopping with me too much....bread and cheese! YUMM

Ringing up his groceries!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Big Boy Haircut

I FINALLY got Jackson a big boy haircut! I think he looks just so cute! I was planning on getting cut a little more on top, but Dawn said if we cut it to short - it will just stand straight up. So here are the pictures from the day!


During - I was proud of him b/c this was the first time he didn't sit in anyone's lap!


He had just woken up and had quite the bed head!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Summer Summer Time

It is definitely Summer Time here and although I am hating life with the extra person I am carrying around....Jackson is loving it! I bought him the cutest pool a while back but the sides collapse for east fold up and yes he figured this out quickly - letting all the water go bye bye. So I decided to get him a good ole fashioned pool like I had growing up! Here he is in his new pool that he also dumps water out of. Look at that mop on his head.....he is getting a haircut Tuesday and I have decided we are not coming out until he has SHORT hair! Say a prayer that I can go through with it! :)

Here is Jackson last year in his pool...notice the same swim trunks! I think they are 18 months and I had to safety pin them last year and this year they fit-that is until they get wet. They start to sag and you see baby butt! :)

You know looking back at pictures and comparing them from one year to the next is so bittersweet! I am so excited to have a 2 year old and watch him grow and learn new things, but I slowly realize that my baby is a big boy now!

Friday, June 12, 2009

5 Year Anniversary

David and I got married 5 years ago today! Time sure flies by! Here are some pictures from the big day....I don't have a scanner, so please excuse my ghetto picture taking of pictures from my Wedding Album! lol You will get the idea though!

About to walk down the aisle.

The whole wedding party!

mmm cake!

Off to Vegas!

Who knew....

that they made boxer briefs for little boys! I love them!

A boy and his best friend!

How Jackson gets rid of bottled up energy!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Dr. Appointment

I had another appt today and all went well! I am now 26 weeks and 4 days....WOW it is creeping up on me! With Jackson I only had 10 more weeks left and didn't know it. I wonder how many more weeks I have left with this little guy??

Anyway- all was good...blood pressure was GREAT this time. I recently thought it may be high due to some serious headaches I was having, but after getting it checked and calling the Dr, I was told it was most likely hormonal headaches. What?? I had never heard of these, but they are painful. The nurse called me in a prescription and I usually have to take a pill at least once a week. My weight was up 6 pounds in 5 weeks, so I thought that was good. I was worried about it being more. So I am up 9 pounds now total! I also had my sugar test today and thank goodness I passed it!

So now I am going every 2 weeks.....he will be here before we know it! And considering last night he decided to preform water aerobics from 2-3am, I was ready for him to be here! Still no name for the little guy....I think we have it and then I am not sure. We may be like the Behm's and on his birthday still have a problem deciding! Decisions, Decisions!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Day 4

So I wanted to update you all and let you know that Day 4 and so far Day 5 are going GREAT! Jackson only had a couple accidents yesterday and all were while playing outside. While inside I am taking him every so often and he is going like a champ! He is not telling me he needs to go yet, but he is holding it in between. He also made a breakthrough in that when I tell him we are going potty, he doesn't throw a fit (he is always in the middle of playing indies, outside, or watching a movie) anymore....I think he knows now that we will go back to playing when he is done.

We have yet to venture out- except to pick up a Pizza last night for supper.....I took him right before we left and he was fine. So it seems like maybe we are catching on to this whole potty thing after all. The one issue we are having is pooping in the any moms out there for advice on this - please pass it my way!

Don't you just love all this potty talk! But lets face it - this is what my life and most of you who are reading this lives resolves around! :)

Friday, June 5, 2009

3 Day Potty Training Method....

did not work for us! lol But we are well on our way to a good start and I am pleased with Jackson so far!

Day 1 was decent - I thought Jackson did okay for his first day.

Day 2 was worse - maybe b/c I expected too much. But I think his problem was he was too into playing and when I would take him, he would go a little and not all the in about 10 minutes would complete his potty task in his underoos!

And today was Day 3 and he had some accidents, but most of them were dribbles and he would stop himself - I would notice and I would take him to potty. Many times if there isn't a lot in there - I will make him sit back down and finish and he usually does. I think he is so proud of himself and he can't wait to flush the results down the big potty! :) I have been putting a pull up on him at naptime and a diaper at night and when he woke up from his 2 hour nap today - he was completely dry! YAY!

So we are both learning at this. He isn't telling me yet when he needs to go, so I am taking him every so often. And we have yet to venture out of the house and at this point I think we will be home bound for forever! lol I did go today and buy him a really cool travel potty....oh how I hate public bathrooms (Hence why we will be home bound for forever!).

All in all I think we have a good start to this process that I so much dreaded and still do. I am hoping by the time baby boy #2 gets here, Jackson will be having few accidents! So all you moms out there who can do this in 3 days- my hats off to know who you SUPER MOMS are! :)

Here is my big boy in his underoos.....oh he is the cutest thing in them to me! :)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Preggo Pic

Some have wanted to see an updated here you go! I feel huge these days, but when I see other pregnant women about due - I don't feel so bad! The worst part seems to be the bending over to do with Jackson, pick up toys, give him a bath, etc. And I swear when I sneeze (which seems often) I think I am about to have this baby! lol No real pains of ligament stretching, but if I do roll over in bed sometimes....I feel a little pull here and there! I have another appointment a week from tomorrow- it is my sugar test! I am hoping to pass like I did with Jackson! Baby seems to be active...maybe not as much as Jackson, but you won't hear me complaining! David and I seem to be close to coming up with a stay tuned! ")

25 weeks and 3 days