Tuesday, June 23, 2009

28 Weeks and 3 Days

I had another appointment today and all went well. I am going every 2 weeks and I don't really know why since they don't do much, but they are the boss, right?? My blood pressure was good and baby's heart beat was fine along with my belly measurement. I did gain 4 pounds in 2 weeks- YIKES putting me up to 13 pounds total. I may just gain more this go round than I did with Jackson, but at least I know how to get it off in the end. I am blaming it on being at home with my mom and eating all the yummy Southern food cooked here....and all the sweets! :)

28 weeks and 3 days


Welcome to the Shit Show! said...

You are TOO cute!! Glad everything is going well!

Traci said...

Look at that growing belly! You are so cute!

Leah said...

look at that belly! your hair looks different too! any names yet?? miss you!

Brad, Amy, Bes and Mae said...

Ok it's official. You look pregnant! 'Bout time! =)