Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Swim lessons

We have been taking swim lessons a few times this summer- both kids this time!  We just started back after a couple weeks break. 
Jackson is getting better- losing his fear of water finally!  This is a HUGE accomplishment for this boy!  Compared to last summer he has really come leaps and bounds, but we still have a long way to go.  He is definitely our 'think about it' kid!  So if he would just DO it and not think about it - he would be fine!  That's why he isn't riding his bike right now bc the training wheels are off and he is scared!  That's the next thing we HAVE to battle! 
So he will take a few strokes and he swims with his face in - the few strokes he will do.  He is getting more comfortable with floating on his back....although you can't tell from the picture!

 Matthew on the other hand will probably be swimming before his brother!  He has mastered his front float, back float, bobbing, and hopefully will begin some stoke work soon!  But then again he is our NO FEAR child and we should probably take his training wheels off his bike now too! 


Amanda B. said...

I think that must be a common trait among second children. Isaac is our one who is nervous about everything. Elias on the other hand is going to spend his life in the ER with all his daredevil stunts. Sheesh! I'd take a happy balance of both please!