Friday, August 16, 2013

Almost time

to start 1st grade.  We met his teacher yesterday, Mrs. Conley, who seems super nice.  She's been teaching 21 years, 18 of those 1st grade and 9 of those at his school.  So why am I so's my list:

- it looked like a BIG kid class....books on the desk already. 
- the school is 3x the size he went to last year.
- this is the year of reading.....I hope it's not too hard for him!

And this is him and his new BFF, Eli!  Our families got here the same time, daddies work in the same squadron, live a couple neighborhoods away, our kids are the SAME age (everyone has a buddy)....Matthew even has 2 kids his age, and we just mesh great!  I am sad they aren't in the same class, but with nine 1st grade classes the chances were slim! 

Here's to out LAST day of summer vacation!