We've been enjoying summer and swimming with our friends! Jackson is a fish- fish I tell you! He is learning side breathing at swim lessons and is working on swimming laps! WHAT?? Matthew has improved SO much this summer! At the beginning of the summer I made him wear a life vest at the pool since he still can't touch, but half way through summer I am comfortable with him with it off at all times. I keep a close eye on him bc I'm not sure he knows his limits and when he gets tired, but he has improved SO much! I am very proud of him. He is still forward breathing at lessons, but is getting more distance under his belt! And Shelby- well Shelby is wearing her puddle jumper at all times so she doesn't drown herself, BUT she is taking swimming lessons too and is learning the basics like if she falls in to turn and reach for the wall, etc! So I am sure it won't be long and she will be swimming like her brothers!
Love Lessons
1 week ago
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