Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dogs Dogs and more Dogs

David's parents came to visit and they brought their whole clan....or their empty nest replacement! They recently got 2 new pups - Maggie and Kevin, brother/sister Goldens. For 6 month old pups they are SO GOOD! I think I remember all to well having a Great Dane puppy and she was somewhat of a holy terror! For a second and only a brief second- it made me want another puppy!

Jackson LOVED these pups and he and Maggie bonded! They were pretty much glued at the hip until even poor Maggie needed a break from the 3 year old and his energy! I feel the same way most days!

They were so happy to play with all the dog toys we have- that our dogs no longer play with b/c they are lazy and may possibly think they are humans and not dogs!

5 - count them - 5 dogs in this house! Their other pup, Lucky, came too!

Maggie and Jackson in the ball pit!


The Farmer Family said...

The dog in the ball pit!! That is hilarious! So glad we could cater to all species!!!