The belly is a growing! I am finally getting into more maternity clothes, but I really do despise them, so I am squeezing into regular clothes as much as possible! The sickness seems to have subsided at about 20/21 weeks, but the tension headaches have been in full force since about 18/19 weeks! I had them with Matthew, but this go round I seem to have them EVERYDAY compared to once a week or so with him. It also seems the meds aren't knocking it out this time around either! I still am getting sick once in a while, but I think it's bc of the headache pain when they are severe.
I have gained 3 pounds since finally getting back to my start weight. I have another appt in about 2 weeks and then they are going to do another ultrasound around 28 weeks. Nothing came back abnormal, but they didn't get a good look at her lips (checking for cleft) and the aorta bc of her position. So that's fine with me! Let's make sure she is A-OKAY and check one more time that she is in fact a SHE!
As you can tell by the picture I have a sidekick! He has completely become a Mamma's boy lately! This could be trouble for me once baby arrives!
Love Lessons
1 week ago
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