Thanksgiving is upon us- only one week away! I have been thinking lately what I am Thankful for?? So here goes....
- that I am a child of God and that I know his love and his goodness, first and foremost!
- for my wonderful husband, that he loves me through my crankiness and quirkiness and will always be by my side til death do us part!
- for my son, that although he is in the stage of rebellion and testing his limits....that he is a sweet, loving, healthy toddler.
- for my extended family; that I have 2 sets of great parents now that stand by and support me, that through marriage now I have another brother and 2 sisters, for Grandparents that can guide me through with their wisdom, and all the other family that I have and how much we actually get along!
- that my brother finally found "the one" and they are getting married in May!
- that Jackson has gotten the chance to meet 4 biological great grandparents and Gma Ruth too!
- for being able to live my dream of being a stay at home mom and LOVING it!
- for my health
- for nap time at 11:30 and bedtime at 7 for Jackson
- for being able to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with family this year!
- for the best friends ever....those that are far and those that are near.
- for MOPS and the women that let you know "you are not alone"
- for my Bible Study and all the Frazzled Females that they are
- for Mt Vernon being the best church ever!
- for Stroller Strides that keeps me motivated in working out.
- for getting up this morning and running 10 miles.....ultimately sticking with a goal.
- for running with 14,000 people in a couple weeks for a reason and all the money raised for St. Jude's Children's Hospital
- for KLove.....I love me some Contemporary Christian Music
- for inspirational blogs
- for the military
- for my husband's choice to serve this great country
- for the freedom to vote (although it may not end the way we wished, we the people have a voice).
- for the price of gas being less than $2.00
- for chocolate!
- for whoever decided to fry a WHOLE turkey.....probably Paula Deen, right?? :)
- that I am done with all of my Christmas shopping except for one gift and I just have to get it
And I know there is SO much more......
This was actually kind of fun, so all my fellow bloggers - blog your list too so we can see!
Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels!
Love Lessons
1 week ago
You forgot to mention me and my cookies and cake. lol Great idea for a blog post!
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