After a long, busy day I was making us dinner - chicken in the oven, mac n cheese and veggies. Very southern sounding as I am writing this! But anyway, I am making homemade mac n cheese (yes my mother taught me well) b/c it is the best! I just get finished shredding a whole block of cheddar cheese and it is on a paper towel on the counter waiting to be mixed and I go to the pantry to get something out.....turn around and.....all the cheese is on the floor. Wonder how it got there. Yes that is right, none other than Jackson himself!
So the million dollar question. Did I use the cheese???? Sadly I say yes! First let me say that I had just mopped my floors, so they were clean and I only gathered what was on top. Why did I use it you ask- 2 reasons. The first being that I didn't have any more cheddar cheese in the house and second, I didn't want to waste a $2 block of cheese. We are living on 2nd Lt pay you know.
But please don't worry yourself about my cleanliness. If I was having someone over or taking it to someone's house, I would not have used cheese off of my kitchen floor. Would I use it for David and Jackson? Certainly. David wouldn't care and Jackson....who knows what he has ate in the past. A little kitchen floor cheese is the least of my worries - in fact I retrieved two bugs out of his mouth the other day....protein is protein right????
Signing off now. We have to go eat our mac n cheese! :)
Monday, June 30, 2008
To eat or not to eat????
Posted by The Akins Family at 5:18 PM 7 comments
Thursday, June 26, 2008
The Shack
I just finished reading one of the BEST books ever! It is "The Shack" by William Young. It is Christian Fiction, but as I read it I felt it was real! It is definitely life changing! Go get you a copy or you can get in line to borrow mine! :)
Posted by The Akins Family at 7:57 PM 2 comments
More videos of Jackson playing....
And out cutting the grass again. It seems as though his mower isn't working properly since he keeps checking on it! :) And sorry for the shaky camera action!
Check out his new shoes (they were his cousins), but this is the first time he wore them and he is a little clumsy in them!
Posted by The Akins Family at 3:31 PM 0 comments
Molars have arrived!
This will be a short one....we have been waiting and waiting on Jackson to pop through some 12 month molars. And he did at 15 months! I was checking his mouth today and low and behold.....a sharp object. And on the other side- another one! WOW! How did I miss that! Maybe this explains his crankiness the last couple weeks! He now has 9 teeth!
My only sadness is that his baby book was so completely accurate and now I will have to tell him when he gets older that the dates on his first two molars are incorrect. How will I live with myself? Do you think he will forgive me??? :)
Happy Thursday!
Posted by The Akins Family at 3:26 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Kiddie Pool Warning!
For all of you in the Columbus AFB area and use the CAFB kiddie pool - BEWARE! There is a MEAN little kid about 3 on the loose! This kid (whom I will remain nameless) has in the past hit Jackson on purpose in the head with a truck. Jackson was going to play with it (all the toys are fair game in there) and the kid didn't like it - took it from him and knocked him a good one. I was upset...but the mom did tell him to say he was sorry...blah, blah, blah.
So we get there yesterday and he was there. Jackson went to play with a toy and he shoved my kid, making him cry again. He is very rough and knows what he is doing. Again, his mom is telling him to say "I'm sorry"! And let me tell you - it did not feel heart felt! So I kept a close eye on Jackson and didn't let him go near the little meanie. So Little Meanie (I think that is what I will call him) started playing with another little boy his own age. I observed once again Little Meanie wanting a toy and so he reached back and PUNCHED...yes punched this sweet little boy in the face with all his might. I was in SHOCK! And MAD! So the mom of Little Meanie spanked him there and made him leave the kiddie pool. I thought they were going home, b/c we would have if that was my kid. But about 5 minutes later- here comes Little Meanie.
Then Little Meanie came over and tried to play with Jackson in which I told him, "You are too big to play with my little boy, you need to find someone else to play with!" And we end up going to the big pool b/c I don't trust Little Meanie. About 45 minutes later, the grandmother of the little boy assaulted came to me and told me that Little Meanie punched her grandson again. WHAT?? AGAIN??? And this time the mother took him home.
I thought about this all day. What would I do if that would have been Jackson punched?? I don't really know what I would have done. The only thing from keeping me from spanking Little Meanie myself would be checking after my own child. But after a lot of thought I have decided if I see this kid do this again - I am going to tell the manager and will try to get him banned from the pool. And this action of violence is not something that is just done. I believe it is learned from someone or something. He does have an older brother, so maybe they fight like that at home. But once again if Jackson ever hits someone like that....he will get a spanking there, we will go home and he will most likely get another spanking, and when Dad gets home and learns what he did- he may get another one. That little boy has some pinned up anger inside of him. My other issue is with his mother. She has NO CONTROL over this kid and he obviously doesn't take her seriously. Step up mom and set some boundaries. You are the parent - not him. If you don't take control now- heaven forbid what he will be like at 12 or 13 years old.
The good news is that on my run this morning, I think I saw Little Meanie at one of the TLF (which is the houses you are in before you get your house here or as you are leaving to go to your next base) houses. If so I think he will be leaving where ever he is going....BEWARE!
Posted by The Akins Family at 11:00 AM 3 comments
Monday, June 23, 2008
More Videos
It takes a while for me to download the videos...but here are 2 more that I took today!
My son is ALL BOY, always banging anything into cabinets, doors, etc. Anything to make a noise- a LOUD one!
And here is some tubby time action! He loves this watering pot. I guess he thinks it will make him grow! :)
Posted by The Akins Family at 7:36 PM 1 comments
Video Time
Here is a video for those far away.....he never stops except for his little nap and bedtime! :)
Posted by The Akins Family at 6:49 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Akins Look-alike Meter
MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebs - Collage - Morph
Posted by The Akins Family at 8:06 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 20, 2008
There are still people who care....
I was trying to go back to sleep after talking to David tonight (he is cross country this weekend), but I just couldn't stop thinking about what he told me. So instead I grabbed the laptop and am trying to see the letters in this dark room without my contacts in! He went on his trip with a friend of ours and of course 2 Instructors. He is right now at another AF base winding down and relaxing, thinking about today's journey I imagine. He called me to let me know that they made it okay and to tell me about their recent stop in Asheville NC.
I am from NC, born there and spent 27 years there before I moved here to Mississippi. It is and always will be my home. Although I did not grow up with my dad or mom in the military, I was exposed to it daily. I had the pleasure of living in the hometown that housed an Army and an Air Force base. Seeing men and women in uniform was nothing odd to was the norm. David and I went to college at Western Carolina University, in the mountains of NC and all the way on the far SW of the state. Not far from us, about and hour away, was another college town called Asheville. Asheville is a VERY liberal city. I was recently there and not much has changed from how I remember it 5+ years ago.
So David and his "crew" flew into Asheville today to complete one of their legs before continuing on their way. They ended up eating lunch at a Thai restaurant, which he said was very good by the way. But as they were finishing their meal, the waitress brought them the dessert menu. They all declined, saying that they were full. Remember -they are in flight suits and stick out like a sore thumb (which I still can't imagine living around this my whole life). The waitress proceeds to tell them - "No you have to get dessert, your meal has been paid for by one customer and another customer has bought you dessert." WOW! How honoring is it to go to another city, another state and someones buys you a meal to say "Thank You for what you do for me and this country!" I think I sometimes forget the sacrifice, David, and all these other men and women make for us everyday. And maybe that is because he is not currently deployed, but this was a reminder and for that I say Thank You! It is amazing to me that in such a liberal town there are still people that appreciate what the military do for us. And maybe it was a Veteran that did this, but maybe it wasn't. Maybe it was a regular Joe, out making a living for himself and is just proud of what this country stands for and proud to be an American.
Posted by The Akins Family at 10:55 PM 1 comments
ewww- Shots!
Jackson had the dreaded appt today. His 15 month check up and his shots. The appt went well...we saw Doc Dean instead of Doc Johnson today. He is just one of the best and I really like him. Jackson weighed in at 21 pounds and 8 ounces which is a BIG jump from 12 months and his height is 31 inches. This was almost a 3 inch increase...looks like he may be a tall one!
Then it was off to immunizations. Luckily he is not old enough where he recognizes where he is and starts to panic. The lady there is so nice to. I think she has given him all of his shots here except for one time. He had to get three today(Chicken Pox, MMR, and DTaP). The DTaP in the past has made him run a fever for several days. I was not looking forward to this since David is cross country this weekend and I would have no help with him. So back to the shots - He screamed bloodly murder. I felt horrible as he looks at me with those big blue eyes as if he is thinking "Mama what are you letting them do to me?" They were finally over and I was able to love on him although he still looked pitiful for a good while! We got back home and he fell asleep for 3 hrs. I had given him tylenol before, so I think that is why he slept so good. I even got a little nap myself. When he woke up I was a little nervous to go in there wondering how cranky he was going to be. First thing, I felt to see if he had any fever and to my dismay - NONE! Hallelujah! He just started smiling and seems to be in a great mood.
So now he is eating lunch/dinner since it is so late. Peanut Butter sandwich and Cheese nips! YUMMY! I only hope that the fever stays away and we have a great weekend!
Posted by The Akins Family at 3:33 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
15 Months Old
Wow! Yes, Jackson is 15 months old today! I actually forgot until my mom reminded me....that tells you how busy I am! I was reflecting back on where he was this time last year. He was only 3 months old, not sleeping through the night, not rolling over, and still drinking a bottle every 3-4 hours. David was at OTS and I was playing the single mom thing for the first time. It was a difficult time. Now he is walking (um well running), talking a little, carrying his cup around, chasing the doogies, eating people food, taking only one nap a day, sleeping 12 hours at night and playing with other kids his age. What a difference a year makes when they are that little. I can't believe how fast the year has gone, but also how independent they get! It is actually sad to me b/c I realize that my little baby is growing up to become a big boy. He wears big boy clothes more cute little footie jammies. But he is a good little boy for the most part and the bad part is well umm...him just being a little boy! Here is a picture of him about 1 year ago and another picture of him today(thanks for the outfit Memaw and Papa)! We love you Jackson! :) 3 Months Old
15 Months Old
Posted by The Akins Family at 11:27 AM 2 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
Bring on the toddlers!
Today I watched a friend of mines toddlers for a couple hours while she had a Spouse thing she had to go to! And might I add it went off quite successfully! Avery and Evan are only about a month younger than Jackson and are the sweetest little twins ever! Avery is Jackson's girlfriend and bully friend. They like to tag team up on Evan and their other friend, Gavin. But today there were no fights, no tears (except when Evan tried to close Avery up in the front door...and that doesn't count), and no bullying! I didn't really know how I was going to handle 3 one year olds....I was a little scared they were all going to gang up on me. The hardest part was when I changed all the diapers. I would have one in the middle of changing and my nosey son would be in their closet or in the drawers pulling things out! But I got through it! I always knew moms of twins had it hard and I think Traci is an awesome mom, but moms of triplets are extra special! I really don't know how they get dinner cooked or their house cleaned! So I am definitely not asking God for multiples next go round, but I am saying that I can handle them for a couple hours at the time with no problem! Bring on the toddlers! Here is a picture of them all at playgroup a couple months ago - Jackson of course is in the back, Gavin is in white, Evan is in green and Avery(the only little girl in the group) is in pink of course!
Posted by The Akins Family at 2:01 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Father's Day!
So today is Father's Day and I just think that this is a GREAT day to celebrate the wonderful Dads in our lives. First and foremost, David and I both have awesome, caring Dads that raised us up to become the people we are today! As you can see they are pictured above...and very handsome! What strong morals they laid forth...along with bringing us up in a household that Loved and Praised the Lord! What more could we ask for?? Today so many kids are brought up not even knowing who there father is, but worse knowing him and him not wanting a thing to do with them. We are both so blessed to have the guidance and love of both sets of our parents.....and might I add that they are both so much in love as they were many years ago! My parents are about to mark 40 years together and David's parents are about to mark 31 years! AMAZING!
I truly think that David has instilled in him the qualities of both of our fathers which in turn has made him an amazing Dad to Jackson. Jackson just lights up when he sees him and David lights up too! He can be having the worst day and Jackson can say "dada" and it all seems to be okay! I can't wait for the days of Boy Scouts and T-ball when David is right there with him teaching him all that he knows! More importantly, David has the love of Christ and he prays for Jackson everyday! What more can a little boy ask for?? I know that as he gets older their love will bond them closer together and that they will one day be the best of friends. So here is to Father's Day and to all the great dads on the world! "Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a Dad!"
Below are a few pictures of David with Jackson throughout the last 15 months! And might I add this is David's first Father's Day with Jackson....last year he was at OTS! It has been a special day!
Posted by The Akins Family at 7:00 PM 1 comments
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Jackson LOVES Outside
As hot as it is here in MS already, I try to let Jackson spend as much time outside as possible! He absolutely loves it. I will find him banging on the door and that is his way of telling me he wants to go outside. So here are a few photos of him playing outside the last couple days!Jackson takes after myself and his dad for his love of Dogs. Here he is trying to let the "oogies" out. That is what he calls them. Don't worry- we have it rigged so that he can't open it....and Bailey too!
I was watering the yard and the flowers when Jackson thought it would be fun to investigate! He soon found out the sprinkler kept coming back!
My little mechanic. I think Jackson and Papa will make a great team! I am assuming he was just checking things out to make sure they were safe the next time we had to go somewhere!
Oh yes! The joy of planting! He helps me pull weeds, but instead of weeds he sees these pretty little flowers to pick. I was actually planting the other day and had just gotten a plant in a pot when I turned around and Jackson had unplanted it for me. But he had a blast!
Here he is cutting the grass....if only it was a real lawnmower! His Aunt Flora and Uncle Clyde gave him this for Christmas and he has loved it since he opened it! As you can see it is a John Deere. Nothing but the best right?? And it has buttons to check the oil, gas, empty the grass and the power switch....and they all make noise!
Posted by The Akins Family at 11:27 AM 1 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
We just got back from Assignment Night and can you believe we had an A-10 and F-22 drop! WOW!!! How exciting to see that coming out of Columbus. Needless to say the students were excited! There were great drops on the heavy side as well...England and Japan! But no FAIP's - that is the first time I have seen that!
Posted by The Akins Family at 8:33 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 12, 2008
My First Blog Session
Alright all of my friends have blogs to keep their family and friends here goes. I am following the crowd I guess. I am not much of a writer, but I will try to sit down once a week and keep you all updated on Jackson, David's flying and my latest adventure in mothering.
So here is an update on life in general our way. David is in Phase 2 of flying the T-6. He just got off of Formal Release, so instead of being gone 12 hours a day he is gone 10 hrs a day sometimes....whoohoo! When he gets home he still has to study and prepare for the next day of sims and flying, tests and formal briefs, standups and EPQs. Sounds fun huh??? And I really don't know what it all means, but I have heard it all enough I should know what to do. He had his last written test today, so he is academically finished with the T-6. He has 3 more check rides....Final Contact (should be next week), Instruments and Formation. He is actually going on his first Cross Country next weekend, so that should be fun.
As for myself I am staying very busy. My daily routine consists of getting up and running, then walking Bailey and Harley, cleaning up some, starting dinner, pool with Jackson, home to eat and then bedtime. I am about to start up a new Bible Study by Kay Arthur "A Marriage Without Regrets". Our group has grown from about 8 to20 .....WOW is all I can say! GOD is GOOD! I have also decide to be on the Steering Committee for MOPS coming up this Fall, so we are starting to have meeting to prepare for the Fall. I think it will be exciting!
Jackson....what can I say. He is the sweetest little boy! I just love him more and more everyday! He is ALL boy! I am waiting for the day that he brings in frogs and such from outside! He just got his 7th tooth and boy was that a booger to get in. He was SO cranky! His latest funny was yesterday... have been letting him run around in a Tshirt and diaper since it is so hot. Well I put him down for a nap and when I went to get him when he woke up, there was a diaper slung over the crib and he is standing in only a Tshirt smiling! He had peed all in his crib and I couldn't help but laugh! So note to self....make sure he has pants on when sleeping!
Today is David and my 4th year Anniversary....boy does time fly by! I can't really believe it, but at the same time it feels like we have been together for forever. We met 10 years ago...mere 18 year olds. Oh to be 18 again and know what I know now! We are going to go out Saturday to celebrate with dinner and movie. It will be the first time we have had a date besides a wedding and David's Dining Out since we had Jackson. I think it is time right!
Alright I guess that is all for tonight....
Posted by The Akins Family at 8:12 PM 3 comments