After a long, busy day I was making us dinner - chicken in the oven, mac n cheese and veggies. Very southern sounding as I am writing this! But anyway, I am making homemade mac n cheese (yes my mother taught me well) b/c it is the best! I just get finished shredding a whole block of cheddar cheese and it is on a paper towel on the counter waiting to be mixed and I go to the pantry to get something out.....turn around and.....all the cheese is on the floor. Wonder how it got there. Yes that is right, none other than Jackson himself!
So the million dollar question. Did I use the cheese???? Sadly I say yes! First let me say that I had just mopped my floors, so they were clean and I only gathered what was on top. Why did I use it you ask- 2 reasons. The first being that I didn't have any more cheddar cheese in the house and second, I didn't want to waste a $2 block of cheese. We are living on 2nd Lt pay you know.
But please don't worry yourself about my cleanliness. If I was having someone over or taking it to someone's house, I would not have used cheese off of my kitchen floor. Would I use it for David and Jackson? Certainly. David wouldn't care and Jackson....who knows what he has ate in the past. A little kitchen floor cheese is the least of my worries - in fact I retrieved two bugs out of his mouth the other day....protein is protein right????
Signing off now. We have to go eat our mac n cheese! :)
Love Lessons
1 week ago
Glad I'm not the only one who eats "Floor cheese". And I'll be even more honest and say...sometimes it's not even after I've mopped that day...*shame* (now everyone will be scared to eat at my house...but I only do it for us!!)
No worries it will build up his immune system :)
I would have used it too! Just gives it a little extra flavor.;)
You cooked it afterward so I am sure you killed all the germs. lol I would have done the same thing!
That is too funny!!
Elizabeth is simply one of the best cooks that I know! I doubt if anyone would even hesitate to have a meal at her home. As for Jackson having a insect snack...aren't Turtles insectivores???
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