Yes what are people drinking these days? Here are the recent stats I can think of:
-I recently have known about 6 people to have babies (one being my new nephew, Luke!)
-10 people pregnant that I can think of:
Olivia my old and best neighbor in the whole world is due in Dec.
Paige my bible study friend is due in Jan.
Mylenda another bible study friend is due in Jan also .....and Paige and Mylenda are neighbors!
Liz just found out she was having a baby in May! YEAH I am so excited for them.
Jenny a MOPS friend is due in Nov.
Erin in my MOPS group is due next week!
Amanda from home I use to babysit is in the hospital having her baby right now.
Marie is having a Csection tomorrow.
Maribeth cuts my hair and is due in Nov.
Mandy I go to church with and she is also due in Nov- baby shower fun on Saturday!
- And I have several friends currently trying to get pregnant or either thinking of getting pregnant in the next few months!
So I don't know what is in the water these days, but babies are being born left and right! I think I better stay away from the water for about 3 more months! I want to complete this half marathon and then we will see if God will bless us with another bundle of joy! But it sure is hard to keep the baby fever at a low!
Love Lessons
1 week ago
Elizabeth :) - It's NOT the water! It's your husband you better stay away from!! tee hee. In terms of your race in Dec! Good luck! It's coming faster than it seemed a while ago! When I ran St. Jude last year there were times where I thought I wanted to "hijack" myself out of training and get pregnant, but I knew that I would be so mad at myself about it. But, the reason I chose to run it was to get my mind off the miscarriage we had had. Stupid Type A personalities. Cute new blog template too! Talk to you later
I can send you some of our water the moment you're done with that half-marathon ;)
You are not kidding, there is definately a baby boom. And Luke was part of it. I like the new design, I looked at that one too but thought Stephen might not like it.
Just think of all the sleepless nights you endured, your clothing constantly smelling like spit up and not having time to take a shower until your husband comes home from work, etc..... think of these and maybe you can keep the baby fever at bay!!!
I will only be drinking bottled water from now on. lol I love the new background!!
my wife loves water....send her a gallon or 5.....
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