I watched Gavin for Liz to go to the Commissary yesterday and I tried to capture some photos of them together, but was difficult with them running all over the place. When we moved to MS, Gavin was 2 1/2 months old and Jackson was 5 months old. They seem like they have grown up this first year together. Liz and I have watched them crawl, walk, talk and become little toddlers together! They play so good together too - probably because they have been friends for almost a year now! The sad thing is that Gavin and his parents will be moving in a few weeks to LA (luckily it is only 5 hrs away), so that Andrew can train in the B-52. The good news is that Liz's parents live about 20 minutes from here, so I will still be able to see her every now and again! It really sucks though...I am losing a running partner, a dog walking partner, a babysitter, and more importantly a friend! AWWW
But that is how the Air Force is....you can't stay together forever. The upside is David may get a B-52 also and then they are stuck with us! There are only 2 bases for B52's and that wouldn't be too bad. The family life is GREAT and we might get to be neighbors with Chris and Olivia again (Chris got 52's also!). All in all the Air Force is a small world and you will most likely know someone at the next base you will be going to. But for those that you don't see every few years....there is always email, phones, and blogs of course!
Here are the pics of Gavin and Jackson along with a video of them playing in the ole so great ballpit! Enjoy!
Love Lessons
1 week ago
Awww so sweet. I hate how you make good friends then move away or they move away. It makes it so hard sometimes!
They are too cute!
I LOVE YOU!! And you made me cry!!
I'm going to miss you so much and little Jackson!! I'll have to post the pictures of the two of them when we first got them together! And the ones I managed to take yesterday :)
That ballpit was worth EVERY penny!!!
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